4 Days to Will Clarity! Join my FREE Challenge 4-7th November 2024. Plan to die well and gain peace of mind. Take the first step now! 👉 Sign up today!

4 Days to Will Clarity! Join my FREE Challenge 4-7th November 2024. Plan to die well and gain peace of mind. Take the first step now! 👉 Sign up today!

Helping you to find Rainbows even in the darkest of life’s storms

Empowering you to transform your end-of-life planning from a daunting task to an act of love, and giving you courage to face life’s challenges with clarity, so you can grow your life around grief.

Our core values

Rainbow Hunting Philosophy

  • Kindness

    Kindness it at the root of all that we do… as a widow myself I know how vital it is to be kind to yourself as well as others.

  • Organisation

    With the Rainbow Hunting organisation systems you will learn to break things down and set realistic plans.

  • Connection

    Feedback from our courses consistently confirms that tricky things are easier done with support.

How can I help you?

  • Will Challenge

    Over 4 days, get all the tools & information and you need to prepare a Will.

  • Sadmin® Course

    12-weeks of knowledge & accountability to help you get your home admin sorted.

  • Public Speaking

    Workshops and inspirational talks surrounding resilience, grief, death and end of life paperwork.

  • One-on-One

    From advice on end of life paperwork to growing life around grief, I am here to help.

Kind words from past courses…

Will Challenge

If you don’t have a Will or your Will is out of date, this Challenge is for you. The 4 day Will Challenge includes:

  • Daily morning videos & prompts.

  • Information surrounding a Will, why you need one and traps people often fall into.

  • Exclusive community within a private Facebook Group.

  • Chance to ask questions in a live Q&A session.

  • Checklist of information to give to a solicitor.

Sort your life admin with support from Emma and an accountable community, rather than ploughing through it on your own!
The 12 week course covers:

  • Wills, funerals & letters of wishes

  • Decision making: powers of attorney & advance decisions

  • Protecting yourself (insurance, tax & pensions)

  • Social media, passwords etc

  • Your legacy of letters & gifts for loved ones

  • Dreams & goals for living your best life and more…

Sadmin® Course

About Emma Gray

Emma is becoming a leading figure in the realm of life planning and bereavement support. A former award-winning solicitor turned grief and life coach, Emma's personal heartbreaking journey has shaped her into a powerful advocate for proactive life organisation and compassionate grief support.

In her mid-thirties, Emma's world was turned upside down when her Royal Marine husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer and she was thrown into the roles of solo parenting their two young children and becoming the family breadwinner. Emma navigated the complex maze of dealing with her own husband’s end-of-life planning, probate and bereavement administration. This experience, and her former career as an award-winning and successful Wills and Probate lawyer, fuelled her passion for helping others to prepare for life's most challenging moments.

Today, Emma is the creator of the transformative Sadmin® courses and the Will Challenge, which are designed to demystify end-of-life planning and empower individuals to take control of their legacies. Her unique "Rainbow Hunting" philosophy - finding hope and joy even in the darkest times - underpins all her work.

As a sought-after public speaker, Emma delivers inspirational talks to diverse audiences, including legal and financial professionals, on processing grief, preparing for death and dealing with the end-of-life administration. The combination of her legal expertise and her lived experience bridges the gap between practical planning and emotional support, offering a holistic approach to life's most difficult transitions.

Emma's work has been recognised with various awards, and she continues to expand her reach through collaborations with organisations like the Association of Lifetime Lawyers, the Society of Later Life Advisers and various legal and financial institutions. With compassion, expertise and empathy, Emma Gray is redefining how we approach life organisation, bereavement and legacy creation.

Explore my blog for useful advice, inspiration and more…

Most recent Rainbow Hunting News…

As well as sharing practical tips, news from recent events and exciting offers, over the years I have found that writing has helped me to process my thoughts.

These most recently blogs are the words I’ve put together this year, but on the Blog page of the website you can read more!

Still have questions? Emma will be happy to answer them