Kindness Activities

Over 15 ideas to inspire a New Year’s resolution (or two)!

At Christmas and birthdays we give and receive presents, but there are so many other ways that we can spread kindness to each other and our planet.

Here are a few ideas to kick start your imagination. They are easy to do but collectively they could make a huge difference:

  • Pick up litter – whether it’s a beach clean or just a stroll with the dog, collecting litter helps to keep our countryside clean and animals safe.

  • Donate unwanted things – anytime is a good time to declutter and old clothes can be donated to charity and books to doctor’s waiting rooms.

  • Reduce, reuse and recycle – cut down on what you throw away and catch yourself before you mindlessly tip things into the bin.

  • Small gestures of help – holding doors open, carrying bags, getting an unreachable item from a top shelf in the supermarket all help others feel seen and valued.

  • Donate blood – if you are able to, this could potentially make a life-saving difference to someone in need.

  • Pay for the person behind you – whether it’s a car parking ticket or a cup of coffee, paying for the person behind you might bring unexpected joy.

  • Volunteer – offer your time to help a local organisation, charity or local beach or street clean-up.

  • Write a positive note for someone – tell someone what they mean to you and leave it for them to find.

  • Plan a fundraiser for a charity – whether it is a cake sale or a sky dive – the pennies all add up to pounds that help good causes.

  • Bake cakes for a neighbour – check dietary requirements and take round something special to a person living next door.

  • Invite someone over – a cuppa or a meal and some conversation might be just what someone else needs.

  • Donate non-perishable food to the food bank – ideas include: tins, cereal, pasta, rice, lentils, beans, pulses, tea/coffee, biscuits, UHT milk or fruit juice.

  • Conserve water – reuse water for plants in the garden and be conscious about your water usage in the house.

  • Shop wisely and choose sustainable – buy less plastic and take a reusable shopping bag for smart eco-friendly purchases.

  • Swap lightbulbs – use energy efficient light bulbs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and remember to flip the light switch off when you leave the room!

  • Plant a tree – trees provide oxygen and help to clean the air and combat climate change.

  • Bike and walk more – drive less!

 Emma’s thoughts…

  • Words of thanks have a positive effect on our relationships: We are social beings who need each other and genuine thanks improves our relationships.

  • One person cannot change the climate change crisis BUT all of us making small changes can!

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.”
Oscar Wilde


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