The Widow Podcast

The lovely Karen Sutton (aka The Widow Coach) has invited me onto her Widow Podcast a couple of times! We share a passion that we can create something truly meaningful after loss.

Like me, Karen Sutton is a widow, a mum and a coach and she has specialised in helping the bereaved to navigate a way through grief. Karen helps widows to see that they have everything they need within them and to find a more positive way through their grief. In addition to her coaching, she has a podcast series discussing all things widowhood, alongside practical tips, tools and strategies for coping with grief.

Spring 2023 - two episodes on “Sadmin”

It was such a delight to be asked back onto Karen’s podcast to talk about what I call “Sadmin” - all that sad admin. I believe there are two types of Sadmin:

  1. Post Death Sadmin - all that administrative stuff we need to do after a loved one dies: registering the death, organising the funeral, dealing with the paperwork, getting probate, distributing funds, dealing with personal possessions… the list is endless.

  2. Your own Sadmin - the life admin that you need to make sure is in place in order that if the worst happens to you then you can have the comfort of knowing that you have made life just a little bit easier for loved ones… which is why I’m so passionate about my FREE Will Challenge and Sadmin course, which I run twice a year.

The first episode in 2023 contains our discussion about the post death Sadmin, both what needs to be done and our personal experiences as widows. The second episode that came out two weeks later sets out the life Sadmin that I’m so passionate about helping people to sort. Take a listen and let me know your thoughts!

November 2021 -

In the 26 November 2021 Widow Podcast episode Karen talked to me about the death of my husband Simon in July 2016 and how this impacted on me and our two young girls. We discussed the learnings I gained from my husband’s death, the importance of being as prepared as we can for our own deaths and how we can find the support that is right for us.

Listen to this episode to hear a bit more about:

  • Why end of life discussions and talking about death are so important.

  • What preparations my husband made for his end of life.

  • How I processed my grief and what friends did that helped me.

  • The importance of getting legal paperwork and wishes on paper.

  • How I coped with my husband’s terminal illness and death.

  • Why there is no hierarchy of death.

  • Supporting grieving children.

  • How I copied with caregiving and the trauma of death.

  • How I learnt to have fun and re-discover the real me.

  • What helped me to find meaning and how grief shaped who I am now.

  • What one piece of advice I would (in hindsight) give the grieving me!

This was a great conversation, and one that I learnt so much in. To listen to what I learnt from widowhood and how useful my professional experience of end of life legal paperwork was click on the link to listen.

Instagram: @karensuttonwidowcoach
Facebook/Twitter: @karenwidow
LinkedIn: /karensuttonwidowcoach/
Karen’s website:


The benefits of saying Thank You

