Life has a way of throwing curve balls when we least expect it!
Self-Care is vital for our resilience to continue and in October 2021 I ran an online Self Care Challenge where every day in the month there was a little task designed to allow you to focus on just you.

The tasks were varied, some were serious – breathing, exercising, mediating – some were less serious – getting dressed up, trying a new hobby and of course a bit of kitchen disco – all were easy and beneficial to you.

I intend to run the #rainbowhuntingselfcare challenge again, if you are interested in joining us then you can register your interest by emailing me here.

  1. Drink Water Ideally 2 litres

  2. Nourishing Meal Something colourful that delights your taste buds and brings joy

  3. Self-Care Sunday Clean Sheets Do it first thing and wash before bed

  4. Monday Motivation Get Outside  Make time in your busy life, go fill your lungs with oxygen

  5. No Junk Food Stay away from chocolate and crisps!

  6. Clean Towels Delight in the smell of fresh laundry as you get out of the shower

  7. Practice Mindfulness Let your thoughts dwell on life’s tastes, smells and sounds

  8. Funday Friday Dance at Home! Dance to at least one tune in the kitchen, bathroom or lounge

  9. Exercise Get moving, go for a run, walk or join a class online or in person

  10. Self-Care Sunday Bubble Bath Sink into the warmth of the relaxing water

  11. Monday Motivation Cold Shower Turn the taps to cold and blast away those Monday morning cobwebs

  12. Enjoy Silence Time one minute to pause and pay attention to what is there

  13. Breathe Breathe in for count of 7, hold for 5 and breathe out for 7. Repeat x10

  14. Go for a Walk Alone, with a dog or a friend and take in your surroundings

  15. Funday Friday Set Phone Limits Try no phone in the bedroom or limit app usage

  16. Set 3 Goals Three things you realistically want to achieve by the end of the month

  17. Self-Care Sunday Yoga Do a yoga session, online or with others in a class

  18. Monday Motivation Positive Self Talk Three things you love about you!

  19. Good Sleep Routine Start winding down for bed an hour before sleep time

  20. Meditate Use an app like Calm or Headspace or just sit for 10 minutes

  21. Inner Child Fun Do something that your inner, carefree child thinks is fun!

  22. Funday Friday New Meal Eat a new food, something that you think your tastebuds will love

  23. Get Dressed Up Make yourself feel your best, even if you are alone

  24. Self-Care Sunday Read a Book Set aside a minimum of 15 minutes to read a book

  25. Monday Motivation Gratitude Write down 3 things you are grateful for today

  26. Healthy Snack Instead of crisps or chocolate, find something healthy

  27. Journal Grab a pen and paper and reflect on something that came up for you today

  28. Move your Body Whether it’s walking, gym, swimming, yoga – just do it!

  29. Funday Friday Watch a Movie Pick something you’ve wanted to see & cozy up

  30. New Hobby Break the mould and try something today that’s new and fun

  31. Self-Care Sunday Reflection Review the month, what do you need more of in your life?  Try to work out how you could incorporate more of this into your world going forward

Download your FREE Prompt tick list here.

Self Care social media challenge hosted by Rainbow Hunting Ltd