
Life has a way of throwing curve balls when we least expect it.
Self-care is vital for our resilience and it is important to prioritise!

Why not play catch up and do your own self-care journey?

 Those of you who have been following Emma know that her family life is hard and, as a consequence, in October 2021 she paused her plans for a new Challenge in order to focus, not only on the welfare of her children, but also herself.  Emma realised that part of what she must do was to prioritise her own wellbeing to give her the strength to look after others. This pause gave birth to the October 2021 Self-Care Challenge - Emma’s mission to do one act of self-care each day for a whole month!

This is how it worked…
Emma wrote a short prompt for each day of October 2021. They were simple and easy acts to fit into your busy lives. Each day people were encouraged to do the prompt and post a picture on whatever social media platform they loved to share their self-care actions. 

Emma created a FREE prompt list for people to download and print out.

If you would like to try to give this a go now feel free to print out the prompts and tick off the days to help you keep a track of what you are doing and what is coming up next. Please tag Emma in your self-care social media posts and don’t forget to use her favourite hashtags: #rainbowhuntingselfcare #gratefulforwhatidohave #rainbowhunting #rainbowmoment #spreadhappiness

This self-care challenge is free and fun - enjoy!

2022 plans - a new self-care challenge!

In the meantime, download a FREE October 2021 Prompt tick list here or by clicking the image below:

October Self Care social media challenge hosted by Rainbow Hunting Ltd