My successful first Rainbow Hunting event!


Whose Life are You Living? My successful first Rainbow Hunting event!

The concept for the first ever Rainbow Hunting event was born after a manic summer when I got thinking about what gets in the way of us living our dream life and whose life are we all actually living?  Often careers, family and sadly sometimes illness throws us a curve ball and we find ourselves off track from the goals we had initially planned.  As a consequence, in a life full of change, stress and anxiety we end up constantly juggling the various elements of our world and perhaps feeling that we’ve stopped moving in the direction of our hopes and dreams. 

The aim of the talk was to be the starting point for you to make some changes towards a happier and calmer life.  The talk covered the different parts within us and asked people whether they were neglecting important aspects of themselves.  Using the famous oxygen mask analogy, tips were provided on how to identify stresses, spot the signs of burn out, pay attention to those unhealthy coping strategies and instead focus on a healthier self-care tool box.  The event was so successful that I ran it a second time for a few of the people who missed out!

As many know the curve balls life throws us has meant that I am taking some of my own medicine and I am reorientating my focus over the next short while on my family during an unexpectedly turbulent time.  However, I am still working away on the Challenge so please register your interest through the links below to be the first to hear when events are rescheduled:

  • For the Challenge click here

  • If you missed the Master Class and would like to sign up for the next one click here

  • If you would like to stay updated on everything I am doing click here for my monthly newsletter.

Huge thanks to all those who set aside time to join my talks.  I would like to leave you with some of my favourite comments about what people took away from the talk:

“I’ve taken so much away from this!!” • “Just writing down the issues helps so much” • “Just having permission to prioritise me” • “Signs of burnout have been my ‘oh my!’ moment” • “Great reminders to make time for ourselves” • “Fascinating talk. I agree that sleep makes a huge amount of difference in coping with bad days” • “So much really helped but hit the nail on the head with something we are missing from childhood which makes us happy x” • “Thank you so much. I realise from listening to you how burnt out I was recently.” • “I realised that I organise so much for others, I would love to have things organised for me.” • “I'll be taking away the ‘happiness is infectious’”

Watch this space for news of my next events, in the meantime, surround yourself with people who believe your dreams are possible!


October Self Care


Coping as a widow – Why family comes first