Two Running Book Reviews

My inspiration to get those trainers on again after the summer holidays!


Jog On: How Running Saved My Life by Bella Mackie

Bella Mackie ended her 20s divorced and struggling with deep-rooted mental health problems. One day she did something she had never voluntarily done before, she pulled on a pair of trainers and went for a run. Setting herself achievable goals, with a first run of only three minutes, she swapped hiding in her house socially paralysed by anxiety to slowly venturing into unknown roads in the fresh air.

Bella Mackie’s book combines information about anxiety, her own story and the experiences of others to show how exercise can be a medicine for mental health.

What I wanted:
I was hoping for an easy-read memoire of the author’s personal struggles but a significant proportion of the book read like a reference book for different types of anxiety.

What I liked
Bella’s story is achievable to us all from tiny first runs to distances of 10k and, by her own admission, Bella never strived to conquer huge goals.

If you struggle with mental illness, or you struggle with understanding another person’s anxiety, this book will give you an insight to how running can help. The last chapter gives hints and tips on getting started and there is a useful resources section.

Twitter: @bellamackie
Instagram: @mackie_bella


Running for My Life: How I built a better me One Step at a Time by Rachel Ann Cullen

This is a heartfelt and inspirational story about a normal woman with bipolar disorder who found healing through running. The story follows her life from childhood, through putting on an old pair of trainers and to a relationship with running that is so much more than keeping fit and running marathons.

I loved the easy-to-read dialogue between her backstory and diary entries that is written in an enjoyable prose.

What I wanted:
Inspiration to get my trainers back on, and this book delivered it!

What I loved:
The personal and honest account of how the author’s sheer determination and tenacity led to the transformation from a place of anxiety and self-doubt to living life in the happiest way.

This book is perfect for anyone who is looking to overcome a negative internal voice and/or the ghosts of childhood struggles – it is pure inspiration to get those trainers on and live your healthiest life.

Twitter: @writtenbyrach
Instagram: @rachel_running_for_my_life

If you wait for the perfect conditions, you might never go…
As Nike would say… Just Do It!


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