Everyday Adventure Podcast

What I’ve been listening to recently

Those who follow me will know that the fragility of life became a stark reality for me when I became a widow. One of my ways of coping is to search for rainbows of joy in the darkness that I have found myself in.  It was a delight to be invited to be a guest on the podcast of a former Army Officer friend of mine, Nicki Bass, called the Everyday Adventure podcast. It is a podcast I often listen to because the guests have one thing in common… they live as adventurously as possible, irrespective of where they are. 

The podcast is linked to Nicki’s business, Resilience at Work, which is an organisation that runs workshops helping individuals to believe in their own resilience by taking them outside of their physical and mental comfort zone. It was a privilege to be added to the list of names of Nicki’s guest interviews that includes some inspirational adventurers. Nicki was interested to hear how I used the concept of a rainbow to find joy in our bereaved world.  During our conversations I mentioned my own everyday adventures and explained how my husband dying was the biggest challenge I have faced.

What you might like to hear in this podcast:

  • How I coped with battling my demons and the loneliness of widowhood.

  • The magic of discovering ‘Rainbow Hunting’ – looking for the smallest break in the clouds to find moments of hope and joy.

  • How I managed living with my grief.

  • The importance of the realisation that joy and pain can co-exist.

  • How looking for little moments of light can keep you going when are in the dark.

  • The inspiration behind founding Rainbow Hunting.

  • What I learnt about myself from the tragedy we lived through.

  • The one piece of advice that I would you give someone looking to live more adventurously who may have faced a similar experience.

 Whether in the car, on the go or sat at home with a warm cuppa, please relax and enjoy this.  This podcast needs a trigger warning: there are references to death, dying, cancer and depression that may be upsetting for some.

Please note that in the interview I talk about the Challenge that I had planned for the autumn of 2021. Unfortunately, I postponed it due to family illness.  The aim of the Challenge is to help people to sort out their own priorities, as well as the home paperwork that seems to build up and clutter our world – sign up here to be the first to know when the Challenge dates are set.

Useful links:


Royal British Legion Centenary Service


Calm Christmas