The Money Mavens podcast

What I’ve been listening to recently…

The Money Mavens podcast

Episodes 25 & 26: 
Masculine & Feminine Energy and How to Use them in Your Business

Do you find yourself feeling as though there is an imbalance of compassion and boundaries in your world? If so, this business podcast might give you some tips on how to redress the balance.

In the world of parenting, sometimes we find that one partner is the “good cop” and the other is the “bad cop”, similarly, in business we can have a tendency to work ourselves to the point of exhaustion! My late husband used to be the rule-maker in our home but, because he was so fun, the concept of “good” and “bad” never felt appropriate. As a widow, I have been reflecting on my solo-parenting and I am overtly aware that although I have huge quantities of compassion but I can be soft on boundaries. 

Society has separated our genders for thousands of years, and many people have been brought up thinking they have set male or female traits. As a mother on my own, I have struggled to find an answer for creating a better parenting and work balance… until a metaphorical penny dropped whilst I listened to these episodes of the Money Maven podcast that is meant for female entrepreneurs. The hosts, Charlotte Balbier and Josie May, usually chat about business, manifesting, money mindset, spirituality, wealth management and breaking down money barriers but episodes 25 & 26 explain that masculine and feminine energy are within us all and they have nothing to do with gender. 

Masculine energy

Masculine energy is all about action and fixing things. It focuses on action, statistics, figures and plans. Masculine energy is logical, decisive, strong, stable and self-confident. Used well it provides structure and support and enables us to be brave and confident risk takers. Masculine energy uses words more than emotions and enables us to set boundaries and achieve good results. However too much masculine energy without it’s balancing opposite can lead to wounded masculine, an over-worked place without feelings that can lead to ego, anger and resentment at home and in relationships or burn out in the workplace.

Feminine energy

In contrast, feminine energy is about creativity, inspiration, desire, nurture and seeking out what brings you joy. Whilst masculine energy within exercise is about gym workouts and cardio sessions, feminine energy encourages us to turn to walks in nature, yoga, breathing and meditation. Feminine energy has a strong connection to the body and intuition as well as self-love. Nevertheless, similar to the wounded masculine, it is possible to go too far into feminine energy. The wounded feminine is a place ruled by emotions leading to weak boundaries, low self-worth, distrust and low energy.

Although the Money Maven podcast is focused towards ambitious business owners, listening to these two episodes was a lightbulb moment for me. Learning that the two energies interrelate and hearing their examples I learnt that, similar to yin and yang, we all need to be aware that masculine and feminine energies are complementary and interdependent. An entrepreneur’s podcast might not be for everyone and the two friends’ honest banter includes all aspects of life, including the importance of our sex lives, so these episodes are not ones to listen to on a family car journey but you might find them enlightening!

I would love to hear your thoughts and you might be interested in checking out some of the other interesting episodes, some of my favourites are: 

      Resilience in Business (2) – how to keep going when the going gets tough in business and how to get out of a worry cycle!

      Imposter Syndrome in Business (3) – how it shows up and how to move past it.

      Goal Setting (22) – how to set goals for the new year and within the year.

Listen to the podcast here: 

Instagram: @the_money_mavens @charlottebalbierstrategist & @_josie_may

Twitter: @TheMoneyMavens7

Be brave:

 – do something masculine, novel & exciting

– spark joy by tapping into your creative feminine side

& trust that things will work out!


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