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Emma’s Blog
Emma’s personal perspective on life

Book Reviews Emma’s thoughts on a wide range of support books

They will make you laugh, and make you cry!

Solid advice on wills, probate, funerals and more

News Emma Gray News Emma Gray

Advocate Award!

I logged into the fun online Milspo Christmas party late because I was being a mum taxi and I was totally shocked to hear that I had won an award!

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News Emma Gray News Emma Gray

Becoming a Milspo Ambassador

I have met lots of inspiring and committed military spouses, partners and other-halves who have been more of a support to me than they can imagine.

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News Emma Gray News Emma Gray

Representing Military Widows

I lowered my eyes to the ground and my mind settled on no one specific man or woman, no one representative of any particular unit or battalion and I had no orientation to any one faith, religion or belief.  Instead, my heart bled for all those, whoever they are, who have lost loved ones.  There is no hierarchy in death, every death is unique.

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