Independent Spouse podcast

What I’ve been listening to recently

The wonderful Jess Sands who runs The Independent Spouse podcast.

The wonderful Jess Sands who runs The Independent Spouse podcast.

As a Royal Marine widow, I feel so privileged to be included in the Milspo Network CIC community of amazing military spouses, partners and other halves, because they all have impressive businesses that they run alongside their serving partner’s life.  It was even more exciting to have been asked to be a guest on the first episode of Series 5 of The InDependent Spouse® podcast, the series of fun, informative weekly podcasts sponsored by the Royal British Legion explores the world of these inspiring Milpso entrepreneurs.

In the personal and, at times, emotional interview, I spoke to the wonderful podcast host Jess Sands who runs Milspo and who became an online friend during lockdown.  It was a real “Oh my gosh” moment to share my story in this lovely virtual conversation.

What you might like to hear in this podcast:

  • How I coped in my darkest days.

  • What it was like to be a Royal Marines wife and how they helped me after my husband died.

  • Why my anxiety escalated during our marriage and reduce after my husband’s death.

  • The thinking behind the Military sub group that I set up for the charity (WAY) Widowed and Young.

  • Why I am so grateful to have links to the RMA charity and the amazing children’s charity Scotty’s Little Soldiers.

  • Why I set up Rainbow Hunting.

  • Why I recommend people find a solicitor for Wills and probate through the Solicitors for the Elderly and/or STEP.

  • Most importantly, how the Milspo Network and Jess’ community of lovely people helped me to move forwards in my life as a widow and a solo parent.

Have your tissues handy, it’s an emotional listen with references to death, dying and cancer, but one I hope will help many by normalising the experience of becoming a widow.

Useful links:


A Tool Kit for Modern Life: 53 Ways to Look After Your Mind


Whose Life have you been Living?