A Tool Kit for Modern Life: 53 Ways to Look After Your Mind


A book to help you take care of your mental wellbeing

Dr Emma Hepburn

Dr Emma Hepburn is a clinical psychologist who has produced this wonderfully illustrated and wise book to share her practical tools for taking care of your mental and emotional wellbeing.  With colourful and fun trademark illustrations, she shines a light on common themes that we all face such as: what triggers unhappy thoughts, the importance of our own values, spotting signs of overwhelm and understanding our feelings and emotions. The drawings bring life to the text and in an easy-to-understand way provide a calm explanation of life’s busy world.

The Psychology Mum (as she’s called on Instagram) has a unique way of getting to the heart of issues that we all face in day-to-day life and normalising those niggles that we all have inside us.


What I wanted:
I was hoping for a ‘chatty’ easy-to-read book that I could dip in and out of and this book delivered. 

What I liked
The author’s passion for mental wellness makes complex concepts easily accessible. As well as the amazing illustrations, each chapter encourages the reader to do helpful exercises and I recommend journaling on what comes up for you.

If you want someone to cut through to the heart of the issues that we all face daily and to help quash your imposter syndrome then this is the book for you.   Plus, watch this space… her second book “A Toolkit for Happiness” is out soon!

Instagram: @thepsychologymum


“The irony of imposter syndrome is that it usually occurs in people who do actually know what they are talking about.”


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