Will challenge success
“Thank you so much for your time … and for sharing so much of your insight. I'm starting to feel much more informed - I even called my mum afterwards to tell her they need to sort out their wills and listed several reasons why!!”
Monday 3 October 2022 was a big day in the Rainbow Hunting business… it was the start of our very first Will challenge. With 70 people signed up and ready to face up to the daunting prospect of getting this vital legal document sorted, the three days were set for success and they did not disappoint. Each day started with a 20 minute live (which was recorded in the Facebook group for those who have busy lives and couldn’t watch in real time) in which I spoke about three main areas:
1. Why you need a Will and what happens if you don’t have one: the biggest take-away from this was an awareness about the number of misunderstandings about the laws that govern your estate if you have no Will (the laws of intestacy).
2. Common mistakes and myths: including why a Will is so vital for non-married partners because only those who are married or civil partners inherit under the laws of intestacy.
3. What a solicitor needs to know in order to draft your Will: this included the personal and financial details, as well as what you want to put into your Will about your executors, guardians, gifts and legacies.
The feed back was absolutely amazing and these comments just make my heart sing:
“You are being amazing! A topic no-one like to think and talk about. You are taking the fear out of it. Keep cutting down those brambles xx”
“All so informative and helpful Emma - thank you so much”
“We have a very out of date will and a lot has changed since then so definitely needs an update. Thank you Emma xx”
“Lots of snippets of info that I wasn't aware of, even though I have a will”
“It's really made me think about my business… If something happened to me tomorrow [my husband] wouldn't know where to start!”
“Have found it so useful and thank you for all the time and effort you've put into the challenge.”
“I just wanted to say again… You're doing an excellent job and I could listen to you talk about this stuff for hours”
“Thank you Emma, again hugely insightful!”
“It's been amazing, just about to fill out the check list and going to talk to my kids about it over the weekend. If only everything could be explained and made this simple. Thanks Emma xx”
“I found this course absolutely amazing, interesting and mind blowing all in one… The checklist was an a godsend and is really helping me to put the things I was worried about into place.”
“I knew I needed to update my will but never realised the extent it may need to be. So pleased I signed up for this course as you have a) made me aware of things I need to think about b) decoded the meaning of so much c) made it interesting and fun and you've presented it so professionally. Totally recommended to anyone who may be undecided on joining in. Massive thank you.”
“I thought I was sorted, already having a will. However, you have explained several areas that I need to look at.... thank you for exposing these gaps for me. You are clear, engaging and I look forward to learning much more with you.”
“Your challenge has been amazing! … My husband and I watched the first Q&A together and it prompted some really important convos that needed to be had. Can’t thank you enough.”
The Will challenge has led into a “Sadmin” course!
“I was really quite naive about completing a will before I joined this challenge. I was one of those people who had it on their 'to-do' list for far too long and my solution was to pick up a DIY kit at WH Smiths and get it done in half an hour. I realise now that there is so much more to it than that - both the legal side of things and the emotional side. I absolutely do not want the admin of sorting out my estate to be a burden on my husband or anyone else in the event of my death… Thank you Emma for organising this will challenge.”
“Emma you made things so much more simplified and now I feel I can move forward towards the finished article in the near future all because you have put together this great course and helpful checklist… You have put all the information together so well and helped hi-light and simplify many things some of us didn't even think to include. Would certainly recommend to anyone needing a will or checking their current will has all the vital details in it.”
Even more exciting than the feedback has been hearing the people who went from an overwhelmed place of having their head in the sand to celebrating their wins. People shared the fact that they had completed free Will Planner Checklist (every member of the Challenge received this) and made appointments with solicitors to get the Wills drafted and signed! Those who know me well will know that I get unusually excited about all of this, and I was literally doing Happy Dances in my kitchen each time I heard the progress that someone in the challenge made – it meant a happy few days for me and some bewildered looks from my children!
If you are getting niggles that you need to look at your Will, or if you feel that you missed out on a fantastic community and expert advice, please register your interest for the next Challenge.
In the meantime, the whole concept about the challenge was to get people thinking about end of life papers HOWEVER… I believe the Will is only the backbone and we all need to do so much more to prepare for illness and death. I have created a 6-week “Sadmin” Adulting Course and I’d love you to join us in making sure that we “Sort our S***!” and ensure that we leave our loved ones in the best place possible when we are no longer here. Click here for details of the course.