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The Rainbow Hunting Blog
Whether its practical advice, emotional support or a recommendation for a book or a podcast, benefit from Emma’s depth of knowledge with her vast range of FREE blog articles.
Simply select the area of interest that suits you or just scroll down to see all the lastest posts.
“The Madness of Grief: A Memoir of Love and Loss”
This personal account of the emotions we feel after the death of a loved one is likely to resonate with many who have experienced the loss of a partner.
4 Things Nobody Tells You About Making a Will
Four often-overlooked truths about Will preparation that transform it from a daunting task into an act of love for those you care about most.
2024 Spring Will Challenge
The Will Challenge aim is to empower you to feel more knowledgeable and confident your Will and finding a solicitor. Read more about how it works and feedback from participants!
Why I don’t just work with widows!
Four reasons why I’m sticking as a general grief and life coach and what makes me so right for this.
The greatest gift
We live in a super commercial world, but actually the greatest gift you can give another person is freely available to you
Visiting where he died…
After this year’s annual mammogram I was drawn to the hospice where my husband died… read why it was more lovely than you might imagine.
Flip the Script!
It is common to be lost for words when speaking to a grieving person. The NACG have provided guidance on compassionate phrases to help people support bereaved children.
Not forgotten…
My story of an emotional two days of Remembrance in London… notably the Royal Marine charity dinner at the Guildhall and the opening of the Field of Remembrance at Westminster
Grief resources
There is a magical power of connection when we spend time with those who “get it”… this blog sets out the books and podcasts that have helped me in my grief.
“Dostadning: The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning”
The concept of “death cleaning” is to reduce the clutter in your lives to make things easier for loved ones but it has relevant in our everyday lives.
The real difference the Will Challenge makes!
Read about the transformations that people made and the feedback from the 2023 Will Challenge.
What inspired me to start my business…
It was scary stepping from the secure world of employment to owning my own business… read about the two things that inspired me to do it!
How Strava broke my heart…
An example of why we need to think about our digital legacies & the story of how Strava deleted my late husband’s records.
Spreading the word about Grief
In just one month Emma gave three talks to help professionals better understand about grief might affect their clients.
A Royal lesson on preparation
When Queen Elizabeth II died Operation London Bridge dictated what happened and it gives us all a lesson on preparing for the only certainty in life.
Will challenge success
Loads of amazing feedback from the participants of the first ever Rainbow Hunting Will challenge!
My initial thoughts on hearing the death of Her Majesty the Queen
Some thoughts of a widow during the national period of mourning for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
“Grief Works” by Julia Samuel
This selection of case studies written by an experienced grief psychotherapist explains how grief can reveals how we can live with and learn from great loss.
10 Things to Consider When Preparing a Will
Many people prepare Wills as a reaction to something that has happened. Here are ten vital things to remember when preparing your Will.
Thank you Dame Deborah
My cancer widow thoughts after hearing the tragic news about the death of the inspirational Dame Deborah James, also known as BowelBabe