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The Rainbow Hunting Blog
Whether its practical advice, emotional support or a recommendation for a book or a podcast, benefit from Emma’s depth of knowledge with her vast range of FREE blog articles.
Simply select the area of interest that suits you or just scroll down to see all the lastest posts.
Visiting where he died…
After this year’s annual mammogram I was drawn to the hospice where my husband died… read why it was more lovely than you might imagine.
Spreading the word about Grief
In just one month Emma gave three talks to help professionals better understand about grief might affect their clients.
Thank you Dame Deborah
My cancer widow thoughts after hearing the tragic news about the death of the inspirational Dame Deborah James, also known as BowelBabe
“A Grief Observed” by C. S. Lewis
The writings of the famous author of The Chronicles of Narnia, C. S. Lewis, which illustrates the pain and struggles of processing a bereavement.
Military widows’ loneliness workshop
How a workshop on social isolation and loneliness taught me a valuable lesson about the labels I have given myself.
You Me and the Big C podcast
The podcast that puts the Can into Cancer and which recently tracked the journey of Bowel Babe, Dame Deborah James.
Coping with grief triggers
What got my heart racing and how I coped with a cancer flashback.
#25Tuesdays with WAY
Emma in her capacity as Ambassador for WAY hosting some conversations to celebrate their 25th anniversary
Coping as a widow - Making our family dreams come true
How I made my dreams come true in this perfectly imperfect life.
Celebrating WAY’s 25th Anniversary
Hearing the charity’s story, learning the importance of strangers and discovering what makes my widowed heart sing!
Planning Your Own Funeral
You are never too young to plan your own funeral… here’s a checklist of things to consider
Children’s books
Are you struggling to explain tricky concepts to children?
These are the children’s books that have helped me over the years.
When Breath Becomes Air
If you have ever wondered what it feels like to analyse the spread of cancer in your own CT scan, then this is the book for you.