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The Rainbow Hunting Blog
Whether its practical advice, emotional support or a recommendation for a book or a podcast, benefit from Emma’s depth of knowledge with her vast range of FREE blog articles.
Simply select the area of interest that suits you or just scroll down to see all the lastest posts.
Celebrating Our Three Clean & Tidy Show Award Nominations!
We're thrilled to announce that not only are Rainbow Hunting taking a stand at the Clean & Tidy Show in October, but we have been nominated for not one, but three awards at this year's Clean and Tidy Show!
What stops us from Sorting Sadmin… and how to get round it!
We all know that we feel calmer when things are more organised… so what stops us from sorting the Sadmin and how can you get started?
The greatest gift
We live in a super commercial world, but actually the greatest gift you can give another person is freely available to you
Visiting where he died…
After this year’s annual mammogram I was drawn to the hospice where my husband died… read why it was more lovely than you might imagine.
Flip the Script!
It is common to be lost for words when speaking to a grieving person. The NACG have provided guidance on compassionate phrases to help people support bereaved children.
Not forgotten…
My story of an emotional two days of Remembrance in London… notably the Royal Marine charity dinner at the Guildhall and the opening of the Field of Remembrance at Westminster
Grief resources
There is a magical power of connection when we spend time with those who “get it”… this blog sets out the books and podcasts that have helped me in my grief.
A Royal lesson on preparation
When Queen Elizabeth II died Operation London Bridge dictated what happened and it gives us all a lesson on preparing for the only certainty in life.
Why you need a cheerleader…
A reflection on the two things I needed, what it is a cheerleader can give you and why it is so important to us all.
“Grief Works” by Julia Samuel
This selection of case studies written by an experienced grief psychotherapist explains how grief can reveals how we can live with and learn from great loss.
Military widows’ loneliness workshop
How a workshop on social isolation and loneliness taught me a valuable lesson about the labels I have given myself.
#25Tuesdays with WAY
Emma in her capacity as Ambassador for WAY hosting some conversations to celebrate their 25th anniversary
Celebrating Forces Families Awards Dinner
Emma’s trip to London for the 2022 Celebrating Forces Families Awards Evening
Celebrating WAY’s 25th Anniversary
Hearing the charity’s story, learning the importance of strangers and discovering what makes my widowed heart sing!
Emma becomes a WAY Ambassador
Becoming an Ambassador is a privilege and Emma hopes she can help to spread the word about the important support this charity gives, particularly amongst the military community.
Widowed And Young Interview
Listen to my podcast with WAY, a charity that offers support to anyone whose partner died when they were under the age of 50 years old.