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The Rainbow Hunting Blog
Whether its practical advice, emotional support or a recommendation for a book or a podcast, benefit from Emma’s depth of knowledge with her vast range of FREE blog articles.
Simply select the area of interest that suits you or just scroll down to see all the lastest posts.
Summer holiday teenage activities!
Get top tips for summer holiday teenage activities! Feeling overwhelmed by the long summer holidays stretching ahead, I reached out to my Instafamily for suggestions.
Celebrating Our Three Clean & Tidy Show Award Nominations!
We're thrilled to announce that not only are Rainbow Hunting taking a stand at the Clean & Tidy Show in October, but we have been nominated for not one, but three awards at this year's Clean and Tidy Show!
Why I’m not setting goals, yet!
With all the chat about goal-setting for the new year… it would be easy to forget that January is actually still mid-winter! Here are the six things I am making time for!
Visiting where he died…
After this year’s annual mammogram I was drawn to the hospice where my husband died… read why it was more lovely than you might imagine.
Connecting with my nervous system in London!
Heading up to London to Amazon HQ for a Milspo gathering IRL and getting in touch with my nervous system as the good and bad memories flood back!
Celebrating friendships
In our busy world it’s all too easy to take friendships for granted… but friendships that are born from different places can become a lifeline
Embracing our differences!
Emma’s ADHD discovery and what it means to discover she’s no longer a square peg trying to fit into the round hole of life’s expectations
Mid-life Crisis or Self-Expression?!
Having felt like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole all my life, in my 40s I found myself… read my thoughts on whether it’s a crisis or a form of self-expression!
What inspired me to start my business…
It was scary stepping from the secure world of employment to owning my own business… read about the two things that inspired me to do it!
Mother’s Day grief
Instead of automatically getting angry, this year I hit pause and discovered what lay beneath that frustration… and I discovered tears!
Witnessing how Pain & Joy Coexist…
Embracing all the emotions at the Royal Albert Hall for the 2023 Mountbatten Festival of Music
Why you need a cheerleader…
A reflection on the two things I needed, what it is a cheerleader can give you and why it is so important to us all.
Happy Place Podcast
Read about some of our favourite episodes of the Happy Place podcast, where Ferne Cotton asks various inspirational people what happiness means to them.
Thank you Dame Deborah
My cancer widow thoughts after hearing the tragic news about the death of the inspirational Dame Deborah James, also known as BowelBabe
Military widows’ loneliness workshop
How a workshop on social isolation and loneliness taught me a valuable lesson about the labels I have given myself.
#25Tuesdays with WAY
Emma in her capacity as Ambassador for WAY hosting some conversations to celebrate their 25th anniversary
Celebrating Forces Families Awards Dinner
Emma’s trip to London for the 2022 Celebrating Forces Families Awards Evening
Counselling for Toads
The perfect read for anyone who loved Wind in the Willows and is interested in mental health and counselling.
Coping as a widow - Making our family dreams come true
How I made my dreams come true in this perfectly imperfect life.
Why family pets can be a life line
The lessons we learnt about having family pets and how we coped with their deaths