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The Rainbow Hunting Blog
Whether its practical advice, emotional support or a recommendation for a book or a podcast, benefit from Emma’s depth of knowledge with her vast range of FREE blog articles.
Simply select the area of interest that suits you or just scroll down to see all the lastest posts.
Will challenge success
Loads of amazing feedback from the participants of the first ever Rainbow Hunting Will challenge!
Back to School for Grown-Ups: 10 Wellbeing Tips for Autumn
Top tips for wellness as the summer turns to autumn.
Coping with grief triggers
What got my heart racing and how I coped with a cancer flashback.
Growing around Grief
A model of grief that explains how we move forwards with our grief in bereavement.
Why family pets can be a life line
The lessons we learnt about having family pets and how we coped with their deaths
The Importance of Rainbows
When you see the rainbow don’t go searching for the pot of gold in the future, instead pause and enjoy the colours you can see today
The benefits of saying Thank You
Saying thank you lowers blood pressure, improves immunity, helps us sleep and leads to healthier hearts (yes, really).
Calm Christmas Podcast
Beth accepts that there is no single way to approach Christmas but reminds us how important it is to look after both our body and our mind in amongst the festive frenzy.
Whirlpool of Grief
Nothing prepared me for the shock of bereavement or the feeling of falling down the waterfall into the mix of grief emotions that is the metaphorical whirlpool.
Discipline vs Kindness
It was a lightbulb moment for us both. I told her that we all need kindness and it is not just about being kind to each other, kindness needs to start with us being kind to ourselves…
A Royal Marine widow’s perspective of the ‘Regain’
During the traverse they have to stop and hang by their hands from the rope then "regain" themselves, using only their strength and determination so that they can once again traverse along the top of the rope to safety.
Coping as a widow – Why family comes first
I felt run down, emotionally drained and I was lacking my spark for life. When a family emergency hit I realised that I was in no place to be able to look after others.
Whose Life have you been Living?
The reality behind the smiling summer holiday photos and why September is the perfect time to re-focus your life!
Stages of Grief
People like to break grief down into stages to help us understand our feelings. But, if grief is unique to each of us, is there any point in finding models?
Coping as a Widow – The Early Days
In the first of this occasional series on Coping as a Widower I want to share some tips for dealing with grief and bereavement in the early days.
10 Things I Have Discovered About Sleep
If I could wave a magic wand and change one thing about my own self-care it would be to get a good sleep every night.
Do Our Needs Motivate Us?
In an era when some people have had time to think in lockdown about what motivates us, it has been interesting to study a theory that originated in the 1940s by Abraham Maslow.